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Enbridge Reports 2003 Earnings of $667.2 Million and Increases Quarterly Dividends by 10.2%

CALGARY, ALBERTA--Enbridge Inc. today announced earnings

applicable to common shareholders of $667.2 million for the year

ended December 31, 2003, or $4.03 per share, compared with $576.5

million, or $3.60 per share, in 2002. Contributing to the

increase are higher earnings due to crude oil pipeline expansion,

a higher ownership interest in the Alliance Pipeline, higher

earnings at Enbridge Gas Distribution due to colder than normal

weather, as well as higher earnings from additional equity

earnings from Enbridge Energy Partners, L.P. (EEP) and CLH of


Fourth quarter earnings for 2003 are $27.3 million, or $0.16 per

share, compared with $34.0 million or $0.18 per share for the

fourth quarter in 2002. The fourth quarter of 2003 reflects

earnings improvements from the liquids pipelines comprising the

Enbridge System, which is more than offset by regulatory

decisions at Enbridge Gas Distribution and higher corporate

costs. The prior year's quarter includes a loss of $5.9 million

due to closing adjustments on the sale of the United States

assets of Enbridge Midcoast Energy.

Consistent with this profitability and the Company's positive

outlook, the Board of Directors announced an increase in the

quarterly dividend from $0.415 per common share to $0.4575 per

common share. The Board of Directors also declared a quarterly

dividend of $0.34375 per Series A Preferred Share. Both dividends

are payable on March 1, 2004 to shareholders of record on

February 13, 2004.

"2003 was another excellent year for Enbridge as we grew earnings

again, to $2.84 per common share excluding unusual items, in line

with our previous guidance," stated Patrick D. Daniel, President

& Chief Executive Officer. "While growing earnings in each of our

five operating segments, we made good progress on all of our

strategic priorities, positioning Enbridge extremely well within

the industry. We completed several strategic asset acquisitions

and we are making significant progress in expanding the market

for Western Canadian oil producers. We also established a premier

Canadian Income Trust, Enbridge Income Fund, seeded with assets

from Enbridge."

Mr. Daniel added, "The balance sheet is strong and we continue to

pursue multiple growth opportunities in 2004. Based on our

outlook for 2004, it is our expectation that earnings, excluding

unusual items, will be in the range of $3.00 to $3.10 per common


Consolidated Earnings (1)(millions of                 Three months ended  Twelve months ended Canadian dollars)                  December 31,         December 31,--------------------------------------------------------------------                                 2003      2002      2003       2002                             ---------------------------------------Liquids Pipelines                53.0      37.0     213.5      189.6Gas Pipelines                    17.5      13.8      70.1       47.8Sponsored Investments            28.8      (3.5)    234.3      (51.1)Gas Distribution and Services                       (64.2)    (18.5)    153.6      124.3International                    20.2      17.6      72.3       68.0Corporate                       (28.0)    (12.4)    (76.6)     (44.4)                             ---------------------------------------                                 27.3      34.0     667.2      334.2Discontinued Operations             -         -         -      242.3                             ---------------------------------------                                 27.3      34.0     667.2      576.5                             ---------------------------------------                             ---------------------------------------(1) In 2003, the Company changed its financial reporting segments to    better reflect the business operations and management structure    of the Company. All financial information has been restated to    reflect the new segments. Prior year resegmentation is available    on the Enbridge website at

Significant non-recurring factors and variances affecting

consolidated earnings are as follows:

- Sponsored Investments includes a $169.1 million after-tax gain

on the sale of assets to Enbridge Income Fund (EIF) recorded in

the second quarter of 2003.

- Sponsored Investments included an $82.2 million after-tax

writedown recorded in 2002, including a $5.9 million after-tax

writedown recorded in the fourth quarter, relating to the

Enbridge Midcoast Energy (Midcoast) assets.

- Sponsored Investments includes a $9.2 million dilution gain in

the second quarter of 2003, and a $11.1 million dilution gain in

the fourth quarter of 2003, both relating to unit issuances by

EEP. The prior year included only one dilution gain from EEP of

$6.1 million in the first quarter.

- Gas Distribution and Services includes the positive effect of

colder than normal weather of $46.1 million in 2003. In 2002,

warm weather negatively affected earnings by $29.3 million. The

positive weather effect in 2003 is partially offset by several

regulatory disallowances in 2003, including $7.1 million in the

first quarter, a $26.0 million regulatory receivable writedown in

the fourth quarter and $4.6 million related to an outsourcing

disallowance also in the fourth quarter.

- The results of Noverco, included in Gas Distribution and

Services, reflect a $6.0 million dilution gain relating to a unit

issuance by Gaz Metro Limited Partnership.

- Corporate included a $17.8 million after-tax gain on a sale of

marketable securities recorded in the first quarter of 2002.

- The second quarter of each year includes the effect of the

Alberta 0.5% tax rate reductions. The 2003 results also include

the effect of a higher federal future tax rate since federal

surtax will apply when large corporations tax is eliminated.

These tax rate changes result in a $7.1 million net charge to

earnings in the second quarter of 2003 compared with a net

recovery of $1.4 million in the comparable period of the prior


- Discontinued operations included a $240.0 million after-tax

gain on the sale of the retail Energy Services business in 2002.

Operating factors that enhanced earnings in 2003 include the

additional ownership interest in Alliance and Vector,

commencement of Terrace Phase III on April 1, 2003, as well as,

higher earnings from EEP and from CLH of Spain. These positive

factors are partially offset by the absence of earnings from

Midcoast, which was sold to EEP in October 2002, an increased

loss from Aux Sable and additional corporate expenses.

Liquids Pipelines--------------------------------------------------------------------(millions of                Three months ended   Twelve months ended Canadian dollars)                 December 31,          December 31,--------------------------------------------------------------------                               2003       2002       2003       2002                            ----------------------------------------Enbridge System                48.5       21.5      162.0      123.7Athabasca System                9.6       10.6       44.8       41.2NW System                       2.1        2.4        8.3        9.5Saskatchewan System               -        1.5        3.1        6.4Feeder Pipelines and Other     (7.2)       1.0       (4.7)       8.8                            ----------------------------------------                               53.0       37.0      213.5      189.6                            ----------------------------------------                            ----------------------------------------

- Enbridge System earnings include incremental earnings from

Terrace as Phase III was placed into service ahead of schedule on

April 1, 2003, lower depreciation rates as approved by the

National Energy Board, and power savings realized in the fourth

quarter of 2003. Contributing to the year-over-year variance is

the negative effect of an adjustment to the power allowance

credit due to shippers in the fourth quarter of 2002 as a result

of Terrace operating at less than capacity.

- Higher earnings from the Athabasca System are primarily the

result of the completion of additional facilities and tankage

including the Hardisty, Alberta storage project.

- The Saskatchewan System is included in the results of EIF, in

the Sponsored Investments segment, effective June 30, 2003.

- Feeder Pipelines and Other reflects a provision for costs

associated with toll challenges on the Frontier pipeline. In

addition, the fourth quarter of 2003 includes higher liquids

pipelines business development costs. Other factors contributing

to the earnings variance include lower tolls on the Frontier

pipeline and the prior year included a revenue adjustment on the

Toledo pipeline.

Gas Pipelines-------------------------------------------------------------------(millions of Canadian       Three months ended  Twelve months ended dollars)                          December 31,         December 31,-------------------------------------------------------------------                                2003      2002       2003      2002                            ----------------------------------------Alliance Pipeline (US)          13.3       5.8       40.3      19.6Alliance Pipeline (Canada)         -       5.9       19.6      21.1Vector Pipeline                  4.2       2.1       10.2       7.1                            ----------------------------------------                                17.5      13.8       70.1      47.8                            ----------------------------------------                            ----------------------------------------

- Alliance Pipeline (US) earnings reflect the additional

ownership interests of 15.7% acquired in the fourth quarter of

2002, 1.1% in March 2003, 10.7% in April 2003, and 1.1% in

October 2003 .

- Alliance Pipeline (Canada) is included in the results of EIF,

in the Sponsored Investments segment, effective June 30, 2003.

Prior to its sale to EIF, the Company's ownership interest in

Alliance Pipeline (Canada) was 50%. The Company acquired an

additional ownership interest of 16.8% in the fourth quarter of

2002 and 11.8% in April 2003.

- Vector earnings reflect increased transportation volumes and

higher transportation margins due to both colder than normal

weather in eastern Canada and higher storage injections. This is

further enhanced by an additional ownership interest of 15.0%

acquired in the fourth quarter of 2003.

Sponsored Investments-------------------------------------------------------------------(millions of Canadian       Three months ended  Twelve months ended dollars)                          December 31,         December 31,-------------------------------------------------------------------                                 2003     2002        2003     2002                            ----------------------------------------Enbridge Energy Partners          7.6      6.2        27.3     19.5Enbridge Income Fund             10.1        -        17.6        -Enbridge Midcoast Energy            -     (3.8)          -      5.5Gain on sale of assets to EIF                                -        -       169.1        -Writedown of Midcoast assets                             -     (5.9)          -    (82.2)Dilution Gains                   11.1        -        20.3      6.1                            ---------------------------------------                                 28.8     (3.5)      234.3    (51.1)                            ---------------------------------------                            ---------------------------------------

- In October 2002, the Company completed the sale of the Enbridge

Midcoast Energy assets to EEP. Higher earnings from EEP in 2003

reflect incremental earnings from this and other acquisitions,

and higher volumes on gas transmission assets.

- EIF commenced operations June 30, 2003.

- In each year, EEP issued additional common units. Enbridge did

not participate in these offerings, resulting in dilution gains.

Gas Distribution and Services-------------------------------------------------------------------(millions of Canadian        Three months ended Twelve months ended dollars)                           December 31,        December 31,                             ---------------------------------------                                 2003      2002      2003      2002                             --------------------------------------Enbridge Gas Distribution       (68.5)    (23.5)    103.0      85.3CustomerWorks/ECS                 3.6       2.7      16.9      10.7Noverco                           1.6      (4.0)     24.2      20.6Other Gas Distibution            (1.0)     (0.7)      6.6       6.2Enbridge Gas New Brunswick        1.0       1.2       4.4       3.6Gas Services                     (4.7)      2.0      (5.9)     (7.8)Aux Sable                         1.3       0.3      (6.9)     (3.1)Other                             2.5       3.5      11.3       8.8                             --------------------------------------                                (64.2)    (18.5)    153.6     124.3                             --------------------------------------                             --------------------------------------

- Higher earnings in 2003 are the result of higher distribution

volumes attributable to the colder than normal weather

experienced in the Enbridge Gas Distribution franchise area,

amounting to $46.1 million. During 2002, weather was warmer than

normal, resulting in a $29.3 million reduction in earnings. In

2003, degree days, which are used as a measure of coldness, were

19.8% greater than 2002 and 13.0% greater than the forecast based

on normal weather.

(millions of Canadian dollars                    Twelve months endedexcept number of degree days)                            December 31,--------------------------------------------------------------------                                                    2003        2002                                                 -------------------Actual degree days                                 4,029       3,362Forecast degree days based on normal weather       3,565       3,700Earnings increase/(decrease) due to weather         46.1       (29.3)

- The positive effect of weather in the current year is offset,

in part, by a $7.1 million regulatory disallowance related to

long-term transportation contracts recognized in the first

quarter of 2003, a $4.6 million regulatory disallowance related

to affiliate outsourcing, and a $26.0 million write-down of a

regulatory receivable, both in the fourth quarter of 2003.

Operating and maintenance expenses were also higher in 2003.

- The main component of CustomerWorks/ECS earnings in 2003 is the

contribution from CustomerWorks. The primary operations of

Enbridge Commercial Services (ECS) were rebundled in Enbridge Gas

Distribution at the end of 2002. In 2002, earnings from

CustomerWorks were affected by activity levels, including

customer service calls, which were lower due to warmer weather.

In 2003, earnings reflect higher weather related customer service

call volumes and growth in the CustomerWorks customer base.

- The 2003 operating results for Noverco include a $6.0 million

dilution gain, resulting from a Gaz Metro Limited Partnership

unit issuance that Noverco did not participate in. This gain was

recorded in the fourth quarter.

- The loss of $5.9 million for Gas Services in 2003 is an

improvement of $1.9 million from the prior year. The improvement

is due primarily to the commencement of fee-based gas service

management contracts with certain U.S.-based companies in late

2002 and increased demand for natural gas and associated

transmission service that reduced merchant capacity losses on

Alliance and Vector. The variance in the fourth quarter is a

result of estimate to actual entries primarily related to prior

quarter activity.

- The loss from Aux Sable reflects the combined effect of higher

natural gas prices and lower ethane prices, most significantly

during the second quarter. The results from Aux Sable in 2003

also reflect the increase in ownership interest from 21.4% to

42.7% offset by lower depreciation as the acquisition of the

additional interest was at a discount to the book value.

International--------------------------------------------------------------------(millions of                 Three months ended  Twelve months endedCanadian dollars)                   December 31,         December 31,--------------------------------------------------------------------                                   2003    2002         2003    2002                             ---------------------------------------OCENSA/CITCol                       8.3     7.2         32.3    35.3CLH                                13.8     9.4         46.3    33.3Jose Terminal and Other            (1.9)    1.0         (6.3)   (0.6)                             ---------------------------------------                                   20.2    17.6         72.3    68.0                             ---------------------------------------                             ---------------------------------------

- Earnings from OCENSA/CITCol decreased due to lower incentive

earnings from CITCol.

- Operating results from CLH reflect increased volumes and the

impact of the stronger Euro, partially offset by a reduction in

marine fleet revenues due to the scheduled retirement of certain


- As a result of a breach of the Jose Terminal operating

agreement by PDVSA, the Venezuelan state oil company, the SWEC

Partnership has filed a notice of contract termination and has

filed for international arbitration, as provided for in the

operating agreement. The Company ceased recognition of earnings

commencing February 1, 2003. Other is primarily administration

and business development costs, as well as, the results of the

Technology business.

Corporate--------------------------------------------------------------------(millions of                 Three months ended  Twelve months endedCanadian dollars)                   December 31,         December 31,--------------------------------------------------------------------                                  2003     2002         2003    2002                             ---------------------------------------Corporate                        (28.0)   (12.4)       (76.6)  (44.4)                             ---------------------------------------                             ---------------------------------------

- During 2003, the Company incurred slightly lower financing

costs more than offset by various negative factors in the fourth

quarter including increased business development costs, an

expense for stock-based compensation and other corporate costs

primarily relating to prior year business dispositions and final

settlements. The Company adopted the fair value based method of

accounting for stock-based compensation effective January 1,


- The 2002 results included a $17.8 million after-tax gain on the

sale of marketable securities.

Enbridge will hold a conference call at 2:15 p.m. Mountain time

(4:15 p.m. Eastern time) today to discuss the annual results. The

call can be accessed at 1-800-375-9259 and will be broadcast live

on the Internet at A replay will be

available shortly thereafter at 1-800-408-3053 using the access

code 1520293#.

The annual audited financial statements and MD&A will be

available on Enbridge's website in February.

Enbridge Inc. is a leader in energy transportation and

distribution in North America and internationally. As a

transporter of energy, Enbridge operates, in Canada and the

United States, the world's longest crude oil and liquids pipeline

system. The Company also has international operations and a

growing involvement in the natural gas transmission and midstream

businesses. As a distributor of energy, Enbridge owns and

operates Canada's largest natural gas distribution company, which

provides distribution services in the provinces of Ontario and

Quebec and in New York State; and is developing a gas

distribution system for the Province of New Brunswick. The

Company employs approximately 4,000 people, primarily in Canada,

the United States and South America. Enbridge common shares trade

on the Toronto Stock Exchange in Canada and on the New York Stock

Exchange in the United States under the symbol ENB. Information

about Enbridge is available on the Company's website at

When used in this news release, the words "anticipate", "expect",

"project", "believe", "estimate", "forecast" and similar

expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements,

which include statements relating to pending and proposed

projects. Such statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and

assumptions pertaining to operating performance, regulatory

parameters, weather and economic conditions and, in the case of

pending and proposed projects, risks relating to design and

construction, regulatory processes, obtaining financing and

performance of other parties, including partners, contractors and


NOTE TO THE UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS1. SEGMENTED INFORMATION   (millions of Canadian dollars)ENBRIDGE INC.HIGHLIGHTS(1)--------------------------------------------------------------------                              Three months ended          Year ended(unaudited; millions of              December 31,        December 31,Canadian dollars,             --------------------------------------except per share amounts)        2003       2002      2003      2002--------------------------------------------------------------------FINANCIAL Earnings Applicable to  Common Shareholders  Liquids Pipelines              53.0       37.0     213.5     189.6  Gas Pipelines                  17.5       13.8      70.1      47.8  Sponsored Investments          28.8       (3.5)    234.3     (51.1)  Gas Distribution and   Services                     (64.2)     (18.5)    153.6     124.3  International                  20.2       17.6      72.3      68.0  Corporate                     (28.0)     (12.4)    (76.6)    (44.4)--------------------------------------------------------------------  Continuing operations          27.3       34.0     667.2     334.2  Discontinued operations           -          -         -     242.3--------------------------------------------------------------------                                 27.3       34.0     667.2     576.5---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash Provided By/(Used In)  Operating Activities  Earnings plus   charges/(credits) not   affecting cash               132.8       37.5     965.0     732.7  Changes in operating assets   and liabilities             (334.5)     (41.6)   (569.8)    151.6  Cash provided by   operating activities   of discontinued operations       -          -         -      26.3--------------------------------------------------------------------                               (201.7)      (4.1)    395.2     910.6---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Common Share Dividends          71.3       64.6     283.9     251.1 Per Common Share Amounts  Earnings from continuing   operations                    0.16       0.20      4.03      2.09  Earnings from   discontinued operations          -      (0.02)        -      1.51--------------------------------------------------------------------                                 0.16       0.18      4.03      3.60---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dividends                      0.415      0.380     1.660     1.520                               -------------------------------------                               ------------------------------------- Weighted Average Common  Shares Outstanding (millions)                      165.5     160.3                                                   -----------------                                                   -----------------OPERATING Liquids Pipelines(2)  Deliveries (thousands of   barrels per day)             2,356      2,152     2,189     2,088  Barrel miles (billions)         188        183       710       705  Average haul (miles)            870        923       889       925 Gas Distribution(3)  Volumes (billion   cubic feet)                     47         47       458       410  Number of active   customers (thousands)        1,679      1,623     1,679     1,623  Degree day deficiency(4)   Actual                          22          4     4,029     3,362   Forecast based on    normal weather                 44         69     3,565     3,700----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Highlights of Gas Distribution reflect the results of Enbridge   Gas Distribution and other gas distribution operations for the   three months and the year ended September 30, 2003 and 2002.2. Liquids Pipelines operating highlights include the statistics of   the Lakehead System and wholly-owned liquid pipeline operations.3. Gas Distribution volumes and the number of active customers are   derived from the aggregate system supply and direct purchase gas   supply arrangements.4. Degree-day deficiency is a measure of coldness. It is calculated   by accumulating for each day in the period the total number of   degrees each day by which the daily mean temperature falls below   18 degrees Celsius. The figures given are those accumulated in   the Toronto area.ENBRIDGE INC.CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF EARNINGS--------------------------------------------------------------------                             Three months ended           Year ended(unaudited; millions of             December 31,         December 31,Canadian dollars,           ---------------------------------------except per share amounts)        2003      2002       2003      2002--------------------------------------------------------------------Revenues Gas sales                      433.0     359.9    3,061.7   2,987.7 Transportation                 351.4     247.1    1,560.6   1,296.6 Energy services                 69.9      50.5      233.0     263.2--------------------------------------------------------------------                                854.3     657.5    4,855.3   4,547.5--------------------------------------------------------------------Expenses Gas costs                      419.4     292.1    2,720.1   2,578.0 Operating and  administrative                223.7     170.9      800.8     834.1 Depreciation                   109.0     100.5      443.0     403.9 Writedown of Enbridge  Midcoast Energy assets            -       5.3          -     122.7--------------------------------------------------------------------                                752.1     568.8    3,963.9   3,938.7--------------------------------------------------------------------Operating Income                102.2      88.7      891.4     608.8Investment and Other Income      53.7      67.9      208.2     283.1Gain on Sale of Assets to Enbridge Income Fund               -         -      239.9         -Interest Expense               (114.2)   (101.2)    (451.3)   (422.0)--------------------------------------------------------------------                                 41.7      55.4      888.2     469.9Income Taxes                     (6.0)    (12.6)    (187.4)   (102.1)--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings from Continuing Operations                      35.7      42.8      700.8     367.8Earnings from Discontinued Operations                         -         -          -     242.3--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings                         35.7      42.8      700.8     610.1Preferred Security Distributions                   (6.6)     (7.1)     (26.7)    (26.7)Preferred Share Dividends        (1.8)     (1.7)      (6.9)     (6.9)--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings Applicable to Common Shareholders             27.3      34.0      667.2     576.5----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings Applicable to Common Shareholders  Continuing Operations          27.3      34.0      667.2     334.2  Discontinued Operations           -         -          -     242.3--------------------------------------------------------------------                                 27.3      34.0      667.2     576.5----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings Per Common Share Continuing Operations           0.16      0.20       4.03      2.09 Discontinued Operations            -     (0.02)         -      1.51--------------------------------------------------------------------                                 0.16      0.18       4.03      3.60----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Diluted Earnings Per Common Share  Continuing Operations          0.16      0.19       4.00      2.06  Discontinued Operations           -     (0.01)         -      1.50--------------------------------------------------------------------                                 0.16      0.18       4.00      3.56----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENBRIDGE INC.CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF RETAINED EARNINGS(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars)------------------------------------------------------------------Year ended December 31,                           2003        2002------------------------------------------------------------------Retained Earnings at Beginning of Year         1,128.1       812.3Earnings Applicable to Common Shareholders       667.2       576.5Effect of Change in Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation                            -        (5.4)Preferred Securities Issue Costs                     -        (4.2)Common Share Dividends                          (283.9)     (251.1)------------------------------------------------------------------Retained Earnings at End of Year               1,511.4     1,128.1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENBRIDGE INC.CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS-------------------------------------------------------------------                              Three months ended         Year ended                                     December 31,       December 31,-------------------------------------------------------------------(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars)                2003      2002      2003     2002-------------------------------------------------------------------Cash Provided By/(Used In) Operating Activities Earnings from continuing  operations                      35.7      42.9     700.8    367.8 Charges/(credits) not  affecting cash  Depreciation                   109.0     100.5     443.0    403.9  Equity earnings less   than/(in excess of) cash   distributions                  20.5     (22.5)    (22.1)   (44.6)  Gain on sale of assets to   Enbridge Income Fund              -         -    (239.9)       -  Gain on reduction of   ownership interest            (30.8)        -     (50.0)   (10.0)  Gain on sale of securities         -         -         -    (21.4)  Writedown of EGD   regulatory receivable          26.0         -      26.0        -  Writedown of Enbridge   Midcoast Energy Assets            -       5.3         -    122.7  Future income taxes            (41.3)   (115.4)     86.8    (64.7)  Other                           13.7      26.7      20.4    (21.0) Changes in operating assets  and liabilities               (334.5)    (41.6)   (569.8)   151.6 Cash provided by operating  activities of discontinued  operations                         -         -         -     26.3-------------------------------------------------------------------                                (201.7)     (4.1)    395.2    910.6-------------------------------------------------------------------Investing Activities Acquisitions                        -         -     (78.3)  (289.3) Long-term investments            (2.7)   (819.2)    (50.5)(1,282.7) Additions to property,  plant and equipment           (119.4)   (187.9)   (391.3)  (729.9) Proceeds on redemption of  Enbridge Commercial  Trust Preferred Units              -         -      24.9        - Sale of assets to Enbridge  Income Fund                        -         -     331.2        - Sale of Energy  Services business                  -         -         -    993.3 Sale of Enbridge Midcoast  Energy assets                      -     529.3         -    529.3 Sale of securities  and other assets                   -      64.8         -    184.3 Repayments by/(loans to)  affiliate                       (3.6)    135.8     427.2    358.1 Changes in construction  payable                          0.6      (2.6)     (3.7)   (14.8) Other                               -      (6.9)        -        --------------------------------------------------------------------                                (125.1)   (286.7)    259.5   (251.7)-------------------------------------------------------------------Financing Activities Net change in short-term  borrowings and short-term  debt                           797.7    (145.3)    359.8 (1,180.9) Long-term debt issues               -         -     150.0    247.4 Long-term debt repayments      (400.0)   (125.0)   (725.0)  (382.7) Non-recourse long-term debt  issued by joint ventures        12.7         -     538.3        - Non-recourse long-term debt  repaid by joint ventures           -         -    (663.8)       - Non-controlling interests        (0.8)      3.9      (4.0)     0.2 Preferred securities issued         -         -         -    193.5 Common shares issued             16.4       3.5      70.9    293.1 Enbridge Energy Management  shares issued                      -     421.9         -    421.9 Preferred security  distributions                   (6.6)     (7.1)    (26.7)   (26.7) Preferred share dividends        (1.8)     (1.8)     (6.9)    (6.9) Common share dividends          (71.3)    (64.6)   (283.9)  (251.1)-------------------------------------------------------------------                                 346.3      85.5    (591.3)  (692.2)-------------------------------------------------------------------Increase/(Decrease) in Cash      19.5     (205.3)     63.4    (33.3)Cash at Beginning of Period      84.6      246.0      40.7     74.0-------------------------------------------------------------------Cash at End of Period           104.1       40.7     104.1     40.7-------------------------------------------------------------------ENBRIDGE INC.CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION(unaudited, millions of Canadian dollars)--------------------------------------------------------------------December 31,                                     2003           2002--------------------------------------------------------------------ASSETSCurrent Assets Cash                                           104.1           40.7 Accounts receivable and other                1,138.8          817.5 Gas in storage                                 809.8          583.8--------------------------------------------------------------------                                              2,052.7        1,442.0Property, Plant and Equipment, net            8,530.9        6,947.6Long-Term Investments                         2,390.9        3,371.5Receivable from Affiliate                       169.8          701.5Deferred Amounts and Other Assets               486.5          315.8Future Income Taxes                             192.5          209.0--------------------------------------------------------------------                                             13,823.3       12,987.4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITYCurrent Liabilities Short-term borrowings                          649.6          247.5 Accounts payable and other                     894.1          714.1 Interest payable                                97.0          102.6 Current maturities and short-term debt         674.9          652.3 Non-recourse current maturities and  short-term debt                                34.2              ---------------------------------------------------------------------                                              2,349.8        1,716.5Long-Term Debt                                5,243.1        6,040.3Non-Recourse Long-term Debt                     752.4              -Future Income Taxes                             829.0          837.4Non-Controlling Interests                       523.0          560.8--------------------------------------------------------------------                                              9,697.3        9,155.0--------------------------------------------------------------------Shareholders' Equity Share capital  Preferred securities                          532.4          533.7  Preferred shares                              125.0          125.0  Common shares                               2,239.9        2,169.0 Retained earnings                            1,511.4        1,128.1 Foreign currency translation  adjustment                                   (147.0)          12.3 Reciprocal shareholding                       (135.7)        (135.7)--------------------------------------------------------------------                                              4,126.0        3,832.4--------------------------------------------------------------------                                             13,823.3       12,987.4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Three months ended December 31, 2003--------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                 Gas                       Liquids        Gas    Sponsored  Distribution                     Pipelines  Pipelines  Investments  and Services--------------------------------------------------------------------Revenues                 211.6       75.9            -         554.9Gas costs                    -          -            -        (419.4)Operating and administrative          (78.3)     (14.5)           -        (106.3)Depreciation             (31.1)     (16.9)           -         (58.8)--------------------------------------------------------------------Operating income/(loss)           102.2       44.5            -         (29.6)Investment and other income/(expense)          1.9        2.9         48.0         (15.9)Interest and preferred equity charges          (25.1)     (18.1)           -         (40.9)Income taxes             (26.0)     (11.8)       (19.2)         22.2--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings applicable to common shareholders             53.0       17.5         28.8         (64.2)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                              International  Corporate  Consolidated--------------------------------------------------------------------Revenues                               11.9          -         854.3Gas costs                                 -          -        (419.4)Operating and administrative          (12.8)     (11.8)       (223.7)Depreciation                           (0.4)      (1.8)       (109.0)--------------------------------------------------------------------Operating income/(loss)                (1.3)     (13.6)        102.2Investment and other income/(expense)                      22.0       (5.2)         53.7Interest and preferred equity charges                        (0.1)     (38.4)       (122.6)Income taxes                           (0.4)      29.2          (6.0)--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings applicable to common shareholders                20.2      (28.0)         27.3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Three months ended December 31, 2002--------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                 Gas                       Liquids        Gas    Sponsored  Distribution                     Pipelines  Pipelines  Investments  and Services--------------------------------------------------------------------Revenues                 194.2          -         78.6         377.3Gas costs                    -          -        (69.5)       (222.6)Operating and administrative          (70.0)         -        (10.7)        (79.6)Depreciation             (40.4)         -            -         (58.3)Writedown of Midcoast assets                                  (5.3)--------------------------------------------------------------------Operating income/(loss)             83.8         -         (6.9)         16.8Investment and other        0.1      19.8         13.6           2.6income/(expense)Interest and preferred equity charges                  (25.6)        -         (2.1)        (37.8)Income taxes              (21.3)     (6.0)        (8.1)         (0.1)--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings applicableto common shareholders     37.0       13.8        (3.5)        (18.5)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                              International  Corporate  Consolidated--------------------------------------------------------------------Revenues                                7.4          -         657.5Gas costs                                 -          -        (292.1)Operating and administrative           (7.6)      (3.0)       (170.9)Depreciation                           (0.8)      (1.0)       (100.5)Writedown of Midcoast assets                                    (5.3)--------------------------------------------------------------------Operating income/(loss)                (1.0)      (4.0)         88.7Investment and other                   18.0       13.8          67.9 income/(expense)Interest and preferred equity charges                               (0.7)     (43.8)       (110.0)Income taxes                            1.3       21.6         (12.6)--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings applicable to common shareholders                17.6      (12.4)         34.0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year ended December 31, 2003--------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                 Gas                       Liquids        Gas    Sponsored  Distribution                     Pipelines  Pipelines  Investments  and Services--------------------------------------------------------------------Revenues                 821.5      222.1            -       3,785.4Gas costs                    -          -            -      (2,720.1)Operating and administrative         (288.8)     (41.2)           -        (415.9)Depreciation            (142.6)     (56.7)           -        (237.6)--------------------------------------------------------------------Operating income/(loss)           390.1      124.2            -         411.8Investment and otherincome/(expense)           3.4       36.6        113.1          19.8Gain on sale of assets                   -          -        239.9             -Interest and preferred equity charges                (102.1)     (58.7)           -        (162.2)Income taxes             (77.9)     (32.0)      (118.7)       (115.8)--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings applicableto common shareholders   213.5       70.1        234.3         153.6------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                              International  Corporate  Consolidated--------------------------------------------------------------------Revenues                               26.2        0.1       4,855.3Gas costs                                 -          -      (2,720.1)Operating and administrative          (30.5)     (24.4)       (800.8)Depreciation                           (2.0)      (4.1)       (443.0)--------------------------------------------------------------------Operating income/(loss)                (6.3)     (28.4)        891.4Investment and otherincome/(expense)                       78.1      (42.8)        208.2Gain on sale of assets                    -          -         239.9Interest and preferredequity charges                         (0.5)    (161.4)       (484.9)Income taxes                            1.0      156.0        (187.4)--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings applicableto common shareholders                 72.3      (76.6)        667.2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year ended December 31, 2002--------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                 Gas                       Liquids        Gas    Sponsored  Distribution                     Pipelines  Pipelines  Investments  and Services--------------------------------------------------------------------Revenues                 787.7          -      1,219.0       2,513.5Gas costs                    -          -     (1,051.4)     (1,526.6)Operating and administrative         (282.5)         -       (109.5)       (410.4)Depreciation            (150.6)         -        (17.3)       (229.5)Writedown of Midcoast assets                                (122.7)--------------------------------------------------------------------Operating income/(loss)           354.6          -        (81.9)        347.0Investment and other income/(expense)          4.8       66.3         44.8          32.1Interest and preferred equity charges          (99.8)         -        (28.1)       (161.7)Income taxes             (70.0)     (18.5)        14.1         (93.1)--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings/(loss) from continuing operations              189.6       47.8        (51.1)        124.3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings from discontinued operations--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings applicable to common shareholders------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                              International  Corporate  Consolidated--------------------------------------------------------------------Revenues                               27.2        0.1       4,547.5Gas costs                                 -          -      (2,578.0)Operating and administrative          (19.0)     (12.7)       (834.1)Depreciation                           (2.9)      (3.6)       (403.9)Writedown of Midcoast assets                                  (122.7)--------------------------------------------------------------------Operating income/(loss)                 5.3      (16.2)        608.8Investment and other income/(expense)                      64.0       71.1         283.1Interest and preferred equity charges                               (1.6)    (164.4)       (455.6)Income taxes                            0.3       65.1        (102.1)--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings/(loss) fromcontinuing operations                  68.0      (44.4)        334.2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings from discontinued operations                                                    242.3--------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings applicableto common shareholders                                         576.5----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
