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Enbridge Consumers Gas Recognized for Leadership Role in Reducing Green House Gas Emissions: Annual VCR Inc. Awards Announced

February 12, 1999

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(February 12, 1999)Canada's Climate Change

Voluntary Challenge & Registry (VCR Inc.) recognized Enbridge

Consumers Gas last night at its 1998 Leadership Awards Ceremony

for its role in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The VCR

Inc. honoured a number of Canadian corporations in various

categories for their extraordinary commitment, action, and

leadership toward the voluntary reduction of GHG emissions.

As one of the award winners, Enbridge Consumers Gas demonstrated

significant leadership by achieving its aggressive emission

reduction targets and goals for the year 2000 despite having grown

its customer base significantly in recent years.

"Enbridge Consumers Gas has a proud tradition of commitment to

environmental stewardship and this recognition is confirmation

that we are moving in the right direction," said Enbridge

Consumers Gas President, Rudy Riedl.

The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Natural Resources Canada

presented Enbridge Consumers Gas the Leadership Award for the

category of pipelines and gas distribution during a ceremony held

at the Museum of Civilization in Hull, Quebec. Leadership Awards

were drawn from registered "Action Plans" submitted to the VCR

between October 1, 1997 and October 31, 1998. VCR's Technical

Advisory Committee, which consists of 23 representatives from

academia, environmental organizations, industry and government,

developed the selection criteria and provided judging for the 1998


More than 870 organizations from across Canada are registered with

the VCR Inc., whose mandate is to encourage companies and

organizations to accept greater accountability for greenhouse gas

emissions. Natural Resources Canada first established the VCR in

1995 as a key element to Canada's National Action Program on

Climate Change. In 1997, it transformed from a

government-incubated program to a private-public partnership (VCR


Enbridge Consumers Gas is Canada's largest natural gas

distribution utility, serving 1.4 million residential, commercial,

industrial and transportation service customers. Through St.

Lawrence Gas Company, it also serves Massena, Ogdensburg, Potsdam

and surrounding areas in New York State. Enbridge Consumers' Gas

is a subsidiary of Enbridge Inc., a leading energy transportation,

distribution and services company. Enbridge Pipelines Inc.,

another subsidiary of Enbridge Inc., was a runner-up in the same

VCR Inc. Awards category. Additional information can be obtained

from the Company's web site at